2013年4月17日 星期三

Kinds of Friends

In our growing process, we meet many people, and we make friends. Often we make friends from our schools. And why making friends is so important? Because we can share same values, and we can learn different experiences from each other’s various backgrounds. We help each other to ease the sadness, and make the sweet things sweeter.
In my life, I split my friends into three categories. “Very close friends”, who can tell and share the secrets; “good friends”, friends that we share some information and know each other but not closer than the very close friends. Finally, “just friends”, friends whom I only say hi and know a little about them.
I am very lucky to have many very close friends. And I met them in different levels of my life. Some I have known for years, some I just met at college. And no matter how long I have known these people, the reason why they become my very close friends are because they would stay with me and listen to me whenever I am sad or happy. They would listen to my problems and give me some good advices. And they would share with me their daily details, secrets, and diverse views. I learn many things through our chatting. And we have the strong feelings that we trust each other. Often we don’t need to say much and we know each other’s thoughts. They make me feel safe and happy.
If the very close friends are ten percent of my category, then good friends would be fifty percent. These friends are mostly nice to talk to, and we would also share some problems from our life, but we wouldn’t tell each other everything, mostly we just tell the happy things to make the atmosphere better. We still have our secrets. And we usually go out with a group of friend. We are just not as close as the very close friends.
Finally, just friends. I’m glad I only have a few of them. Usually people in this category are boys. I don’t know why I have this tendency, I usually get nervous when I talk to guys. In this section, we usually just say hi, have some jokes and talk a little bit about daily lives. It’s just a regular asking to update each other’s new information. There are some shallow aspects that we only want to maintain this awkward “relationship”. But there are some exceptions that I still have some good male friends.
Although there are classification in friends, but not all are so accurate. Nobody can be put into a category. Everyone is unique, and it’s because there are many special, different qualities that these friends are precious. My life’s rich part is part from my friends. And I will cherish them as my most cherished treasure.


