2013年5月15日 星期三

Two interviewees

Today I went to the Microsoft Company to have an interview for the internship. We have a group interview therefore you can see how other people introduce themselves and their performance. When I was in that occasion, it was easy to see who had a better performance judged by three perspectives, confidence, experience and the ability to deal with unexpected situation. At that time, I noticed a girl who is really tall and beautiful.
At first, the interviewer asked us to introduce ourselves one by one. When it was my turn, I was very nervous. As a result, I couldn’t express my ideas clearly. I lost the confidence when I tried to introduce myself in English in 30 seconds. The thing that I am most confident with, speaking English, was not working. I was very disappointed at myself. The other tall, beautiful girl was other way around. She was obviously prepared well that her confidence showed through her speech. She spoke of her club expierence smoothly and steadyly. That was the moment I realized there are many other people who have more clubs expierence than I have, and their clubs’ attribute is diverse. She had expierence of the assitent working in the bank, and helping taking care of guests who are from other countries working for their governments. My club expierence at that time seemed very few, but I did learn many things from there. I tried to express how much and what I had learned from the club, but being nervous made me speak with nonesense. There were no order and clear main ideas in my speech. I lost my tempo and confidence.
When an interviewee finished his introduction, the interviewer started to ask you some questions. That was the moment to test your ability to deal with unexpected situation. After I finished my introduction, the interviewer asked me how well is my English. I answered I can have a coversation with foreigners, so he asked me whether I can have a short 30 seconds introduction of myself in English. At first I spoke about three sentences, and I froze. I didn’t know whether he wanted me to translate what I just said in Chinese into English, or I should just simply introduce my hobbies and other things. I froze like about 5 seconds, and I said out that I am nervous which was the biggest mistake. Never show them that you are nervous, at least try to hide this feeling. When it was the girl’s turn, I could tell that she was also nervous, but she hid the nervous part and calmed down. She answered every question he asked confidently and without haste. It was like she overcome all the obstacles steadyly and not afraid to face them.
After I got home, I thought about the interwiew again and again. At first I was very down because I didn’t do well. But then I fought back again, escaped away from this low atmosphere and frustration. I learned many things from this interview. If there won’t be a result as I hope to be, I would except it and keep working hard. In short, I’m glad I have this special expierence.

