2012年11月18日 星期日

The First Car Accident

  I got the driver license after the exam. I remember this happened in the summer. And my parent encouraged me to have the diving classes so that I could help them while they are busy. And I said yes because then I could drive my friends or my family to anywhere I want. And that's the beginning of the next following tragedy.
  When I got the driver license, I couldn't wait to drive the car on the "real" road. So the next day, I did. But I only tried this in the remote area because I was still a "fresh" driver. At first it all went well. The road was big, wide and only with few cars. The most important was that it was straight forward. I started to feel confident about it. So I drove the car on the roads which were in the downtown. And it all went quiet well  until I wanted to park the car in the garage. In front of our garage, there was our neighbor's garage. So the passage  between these garages were narrow. I tried first to turn, then I drove forward. But just when I drove forward, I didn't do well on measuring. So I bumped into the garage of our neighbor. And the sound was big and I was panic. I didn't know what to do. I only heard the footsteps of my whole family. They were first shocked. And my father just awkwardly helped me to drive the car into the garage. The neighbor wasn't home. Or if they heard of it, they would rush to run down to there to see what was happening.

  I went to see whether anything was broken and we should compensate them for their loss. Fortunately there wasn't any big  bad thing happened. I was safe and my parent told the neighbor the truth. And they didn't mind so we didn't pay any money. But since then, I fear sometimes that I might do this again. I was fear to drive the car into the garage. I was fear to park the car beside the road. I was even fear to let my family or friends to take a ride.  But my father encouraged me to practice more because he came through all this just like I did. I guess everything is hard to begin, all you need to do is to practice more to get familiar with it.

