2012年12月27日 星期四

The Smiles (2)

  I joined some clubs this semester. So my schedule was always that full. And I had to go to the elementary school to stay there on weekend. Because the club decided that we would held an activity there. The school was in Taoyuan. Which means I had to go back to my home on Friday, and I could only stay with my family for one day.  
  I didn't argue with my parent when they complain that I joined too many clubs. Because I was too tired to fight with them. They asked what for? You only feel exhausted and you spend lots of time and money, but you get nothing.  I knew they were worrying about me, I understood that they just want me to take care of myself. And since I'm not the person who is good at taking care of myself, they usually help me to. But I just went to take a shower because I wanted to gain more sleeping time. When I was in the bathroom, something suddenly stroke my mind. I remembered that I didn't have a sleeping bag, then where am I supposed to sleep when I am in the elementary school? So I rushed out and asked my mom whether there was one at home. She pondered for a while, and said no. At that moment, I decided that I would sleep on the floor of that school and freeze to die. And I went back to take the shower again. When I came out, no one was there. I didn't think too much, I just wanted to go to bed and shut my eyes. 
  When I finally finished everything, I heard a sound. That was the sound of the gate of our basement. I knew my parent were out, but I didn't know what for, especially at ten o'clock in the evening. I thought they were having a walk along the street. But they came home with a sleeping bag.  I was shock at first, and then I asked them where did they get this. Of course they bought it, I asked a silly question, but the reason why I was shock was not because how they bought it, but when they bought it. It was really dark out side, and nearly there were no stores opening. But they kept searching the sleeping bag for me. 
  My dad put down the sleeping bag, with a smile but also a worried look. His lips rose a little bit, just a little bit but I could see all the details that he was truly happy because his daughter is not going to be frozen for sleeping on the floor. He felt satisfied, and his eyes also smiled. My mother smiled too. Her smile was really big, so big that her cheeks were so bright and round. Her eyes became so thin and slim when she smiled. Her teeth all came out to see me. It was the most beautiful scene I ever seen. And the vision became a little bit blur, for there was some tears rolling in my eyes. 
  It was just a simple movement, so simple and so little, but so warm. I smiled too. I didn't know how I look at then, but I'm sure that picture was beautiful. Because my heart was full of warmth and gratitude. I love my parent, and I appreciate what they have done for me. When we were little, we might not understand the hard-work they did for us. And we might even blame them for doing this. But now I understand some feeling of my parent. And I am really grateful. I know they really care about us. They love me and will continue to love me with all their hearts. 

