2012年12月20日 星期四

The smiles

  There are many people around me. And the most important part of my life would be family, and then friends.
  I remembered last friday,when I finally was available to go home, I had another appointments on last saturday and sunday. There was an activity of the club, and we had to stay in the elementary school for two days. And when I got home, I realized I didn't have a sleeping bag. I asked my mothere whethere there is one at home, but there was none.
  Then I took the shower, I didn't think too much. When I finally finished it, my parent weren't there. And then they came home after a while. They took a sleeping bag, and I asked them where they bought it. They just smiled at me, and put the sleeping bag on the floor. They felt like they had finished something. They felt satisfied for I don't have to worry anything anymore. I couldn't get my eyes off them. Their smiles are still so vivid. My mother's mouth rose just a little bit, and her face was pale and there were some wrinkles when she smiled. Especialy around her eyes, there were so many. And when she smiled, her teeth would shine and her smile, people may thought ordinary and simple, but for me it is the most beautiful thing in the world. And my father, although he smiled, but with a little bit concern and worry. I know that look, he worried if I would be too tired. But he tried to hide so that I wouldn't worry about him. But devil is in the detail, and I know that we all know each other's thoughts. He turned his head. And I looked at another direction.
  There was nothing to explain, neverless I know what is the most important to me and I want to do my best to protect something I really care, my family.

