2012年10月17日 星期三

Cellphone Missing

  When i went abroad, i lost my passport on the airplane and my cellphone on bus. It seems like i am a blurred person and always get myself into troubles. i was terrified of losing my passport. And i feel sorry that i have to feel this fear again when i lost my cellphone yesterday.
  Yesterday morning, i was going to take a bus. And i found a seat so i sat down. And my stop was finally coming. I got up without any conscious that my cellphone was leaving on the seat. And i just went to class. But i didn't need it so i hadn't discovered that it had missing. And when i was about to have a lunch with my friends, i couldn't find it. I was panic and my tears couldn't stop shedding. My friends were all very concerned and they tried their best to help me by searching the internet, calling numbers of the bus stop and so on. I was terrified that i couldn't do anything. So i dropped out of some classes that day.
  And there is one friend i would like to particularly thank her because she drove me all the way to the bus stop to ask whether they found it. i felt warmth when i was in despair. There were many people tried to make me laugh and when i finally found my cellphone, they were truly happy for me.
  I am glad that in my whole life, i meet many nice people. And although yesterday i almost lost my patience when i was talking on the phone with the police. I still don't like their complicated applying process and i hate it. But still i learned many knowledge and this event will keep me alert.

2012年10月11日 星期四

When i'm down

  Recently i am busy between the clubs and scholarship. I am not that kind of person that follow the schedule. Actually i don't even have one. Still I finish my homework before the deadline. And as a result, i didn't do well on my report.  
  I didn't feel sad. Because i already knew what i will get. I once hear someone said that if you want something to be successful, then spend more of your time in it. I chose to finish the things in the club first. And i am responsible for that choice. No one force me to choose, i chose by myself. Therefore i didn't blame for anything or anyone but me. Because i promised myself that i would do better in the sophomore year. I don't want to be like in freshman year, lazy and muddled. Well, it's easy to say but it's hard to do. I am just greedy because i want a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And eventually i didn't do anything well. But i am not kind of that girl that will easily be frustrated. Because i know what i want to achieve in this year. So i will continue to do those things that i think are right.
  And luckily i have a group of friends that will listen to me and help me unleash my negative emotions. Yesterday i went with my roommates and we had a great time playing bowling. And of course we shared many funny things. I realize that there are many other important things too. Although now we study separately, but i will always cherish this special friendship.

  However i will continue to be that positive girl and be passionate about the things i do. And i won't be so easily to be defeated. Nothing is easy to achieve, but if you don't try hard, there is no way to success. And when i'm down, i know i always have a group of friends behind my back supporting me. So if you have the same problem like me, why don't you just slow down and take a break! And when you are ready, don't hesitate. Just fight for it!

2012年10月2日 星期二

What is the most important skill in the 21 century?

  There is a new cell phone coming soon. And then less then a month, another new cell phone is about to come. The change of technology is fast and silent. People are getting used with these changes and adapt to this kind of life.
  So i would say the most important skill in the 21 century would be the ability of keep learning new knowledge and learn it deeply. The environment  changes fast. If you don't let yourself fit in to the order, then try to make yourself more valuable. Never try to learn something new because your boss told you so. But to achieve the better level and to persuade excellence. Eventually the success will come to you.
  I've seen many people complained that there are more new stuff they aren't familiar with and there are new generations going to replace them just because they know something new. But i think the problem isn't about the new generations but about the fast changes of this world now. In case of the danger of being replaced by them, you should first increase your knowledge. Not trying to catch up this world's trend but to be on the top of it. And last, you always keep a passionate heart to learn something new. You'll find that nothing can beat you down easily.