2012年10月2日 星期二

What is the most important skill in the 21 century?

  There is a new cell phone coming soon. And then less then a month, another new cell phone is about to come. The change of technology is fast and silent. People are getting used with these changes and adapt to this kind of life.
  So i would say the most important skill in the 21 century would be the ability of keep learning new knowledge and learn it deeply. The environment  changes fast. If you don't let yourself fit in to the order, then try to make yourself more valuable. Never try to learn something new because your boss told you so. But to achieve the better level and to persuade excellence. Eventually the success will come to you.
  I've seen many people complained that there are more new stuff they aren't familiar with and there are new generations going to replace them just because they know something new. But i think the problem isn't about the new generations but about the fast changes of this world now. In case of the danger of being replaced by them, you should first increase your knowledge. Not trying to catch up this world's trend but to be on the top of it. And last, you always keep a passionate heart to learn something new. You'll find that nothing can beat you down easily.

