2012年10月11日 星期四

When i'm down

  Recently i am busy between the clubs and scholarship. I am not that kind of person that follow the schedule. Actually i don't even have one. Still I finish my homework before the deadline. And as a result, i didn't do well on my report.  
  I didn't feel sad. Because i already knew what i will get. I once hear someone said that if you want something to be successful, then spend more of your time in it. I chose to finish the things in the club first. And i am responsible for that choice. No one force me to choose, i chose by myself. Therefore i didn't blame for anything or anyone but me. Because i promised myself that i would do better in the sophomore year. I don't want to be like in freshman year, lazy and muddled. Well, it's easy to say but it's hard to do. I am just greedy because i want a little bit of this and a little bit of that. And eventually i didn't do anything well. But i am not kind of that girl that will easily be frustrated. Because i know what i want to achieve in this year. So i will continue to do those things that i think are right.
  And luckily i have a group of friends that will listen to me and help me unleash my negative emotions. Yesterday i went with my roommates and we had a great time playing bowling. And of course we shared many funny things. I realize that there are many other important things too. Although now we study separately, but i will always cherish this special friendship.

  However i will continue to be that positive girl and be passionate about the things i do. And i won't be so easily to be defeated. Nothing is easy to achieve, but if you don't try hard, there is no way to success. And when i'm down, i know i always have a group of friends behind my back supporting me. So if you have the same problem like me, why don't you just slow down and take a break! And when you are ready, don't hesitate. Just fight for it!

